This is the Stunt Committee!

What is the Stunt Committee?

Have you always wanted to organize an enormous marketing stunt? Want to make promotion for one of the biggest career events in the Netherlands? Join the Stunt Committee, a committee of Wervingsdagen. You work together with a group of enthusiastic students, which whom you will organize the promotional stunt for the Career Expo. A budget is provided by Wervingsdagen, allowing the complete and utter freedom to let your creativity run wild. Stunt Committee members spend about two hours a week to organize the marketing stunt and helping the board with other promotional activities. This way you can familiarise yourself with Wervingsdagen and meet a lot of new people.

Join us!

If you are interested or if you would like more information, don’t hesitate to send an email to or come to Luna 1.244.

Stunt Committee 2023-2024

Maaike van Gils - Chairman

Naud van Rosmalen - Secretary

Karlijn Cornelissen - Treasurer & Vice-Chairman

Lisa van Dooren - Event Coordinator

Emelie van den Elst - Event Coordinator

Martijn Kraakman - Public Relations

Tristan van Gool - Public Relations

Tristan de Haas - Public Relations